Elite Performance Physiotherapy

Natascha is a highly skilled and experienced physiotherapist, having attained her MSc in Manual Therapy from Coventry university in 2012. Driven by the desire to help people, she takes pride in providing evidence based treatment backed up by the latest research.   She was the physiotherapist for Leander Club (the oldest non-academic and most successful rowing club in the world) from 2013 to 2022, where she worked with their squad of elite level rowers.

Operating out of a private clinic facility in Reading, Natascha at Elite Performance Physiotherapy provides treatment for a wide range of day to day living and sports related injuries. Drawing on a wide range of knowledge, backed by science and passion, treatment is aimed at the individual to get them better and back to doing the stuff they enjoy as quickly as possible.

As per government guidance we no longer have to routinely wear facemasks, rather decide based on a risk assessment for each patient. If you feel more comfortable with both practicioner and patient wearing a mask please let me know in advance.